Healthy & Tasty

Goat Cheese, Spinach and Tomato dish

1/2 log of Brie goat cheese

10 Cherry tomatoes

1/2 a Fennel

1/3 Courgette

40g Spinnach

1dl Quinoa

Virgin Olive oil

Garlic powder

White pepper

Himalayan salt

Chop the Fennel and slice the courgette, place on oven tray and drizzle olive oil over the dish and add the spices. Place them in oven for 15 min.

In the meantime
Slice the goat cheese and prepare the quinoa. Add the goat cheese and cherry tomatoes to the oven dish and place in the oven for 10 more minutes. Blanche the spinach and serve the dish with Reasons to swap to Himalayan salt

6 Reasons You Should Switch to Goat Cheese.